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Littleton Hometown Volunteer Heroes
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The Old Man:
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Never forget what you need to remember.
Garrett Bartley

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Littleton Hometown Volunteer Heroes

It takes a lot to make a small town community run effectively and stay looking pristine at the same time. And here at we'd like to pay tribute to some of the Hometown Volunteer Heroes who selflessly donate their precious time, skills, and energy to help keep Littleton going, looking beautiful, and truly being a great place to live!

GoLittleton's Honored Volunteer Heroes:

Hometown Volunteer Hero: Chad Stearns

By Missy Pilgrim

Chad StearnsChad Stearns' list of volunteer work for the town of Littleton over the past 20 years is impressive, but even more so when you consider he is still only in his 30's. And would like to highlight his many wonderful accomplishments while donating his time, skills, and dedication to always helping to keep Littleton going strong.

Born and raised in Littleton, Chad graduated from Littleton High School in 2002. He then went to Northeastern University in Boston and graduated in 2007. He returned to Littleton to work for the Littleton Area Chamber of Commerce and then later got into banking. He's currently employed as the Branch Manager at the Mascoma Savings Bank in Bethlehem. He bought his beloved family home in Littleton and now resides there with his girlfriend Casey Bell and their 2 young children (Jack and Sadie).

Chad Stearns's volunteer services began at the ripe old age of 8 when he accompanied his father to the Littleton Elks Lodge where they helped cook breakfast and lunch at a variety of volunteer functions. He enjoyed doing this kind of community work with his dad and soon discovered how good it felt to help others, so he later looked for other organizations that he could assist. By the age of 14 he found a great seasonal one at the Rocks Estate offering his "tree cutting skills" to anyone who needed help with their evergreens at the holidays. Then in his senior year of high school he joined over a dozen of his classmates on a trip to New Mexico with Habitat for Humanity. For 1 week they worked on a small group of single family homes there, doing everything from framework to flooring.

Shortly after Chad returned to Littleton after his college years, he started finding ways to volunteer his time again - starting with the Littleton Rotary Club in 2009 (and he is still an active member today). He served on the board, chaired the membership committee, and was President for 2014-2015. He assisted in many Rotary Club events, including "Roadside Clean-up" and "Santa Phone" (which is done in partnership with the Lions Club). For the past 5 years Chad has assisted this popular call-in service to be sure area children get to talk with Santa before Christmas. He also helps arrange visits from St. Nick on Christmas Eve. And in 2012, he also helped organize over a dozen volunteers to clear out the overgrown brush along the Ammonoosuc River behind Main Street, making it a more scenic area to view.

Chad Stearns and School Class

Chad's involvement with the Rotary Club also extended to being a board member on the Littleton Rotary Club's Charity Fund Inc. (which is the charitable arm of the club) for 4 years. For it he assisted with their annual spring auction, helping them to raise funds for both traditional and non-traditional scholarships to give out to deserving students at graduation.

In 2010, Chad's interest of helping to promote Littleton as a great place to both work and live then led to him volunteering as a member of the Riverwalk for its "Phase 2" project. For it he served on the committee that oversaw construction of the Riverwalk from the Littleton Bike Shop to the Covered Bridge, and Chad continues to help develop this area of town as a member of the River District Commission. Then in 2011 Chad joined the board of the Industrial Park (which he is still a part of), acting as secretary for 2014 and 2015. He is an enthusiastic member and is actively working to help manage the park as well as attract more businesses to the area to help Littleton's industrial development and increase employment opportunities.

Chad StearnsContinuing with the theme of wanting to help promote the whole town of Littleton now, Chad then got involved in 2013 with the Littleton Economic Development Celebration. For it he continuously helps to showcase all the great things Littleton has to offer, including its new business opportunities and investors, its developing community and social opportunities, and any recent improvements made to the area.

For the past 2 years Chad has also been a volunteer for the Littleton Chamber of Commerce's annual golf tournament in June. There he gladly returned to his volunteer roots he started as a boy, running the grill between holes 9 - 11 for the event.

Thank you, Chad Stearns, for helping to keep Littleton going and such a great place to live! From this impressive start and continued dedication, we all know your wonderful volunteer work will no doubt continue as the years - and decades - unfold!

Want to nominate someone who deserves to be in the Hometown Volunteer Hero Spotlight?

Contact Us stating the person to be considered, a brief list of the volunteer work he or she has done for the town of Littleton, and your contact information. Thank you for helping us to honor their accomplishments!

Littleton Regional Healthcare Appreciates the many volunteers in our Community. Here's what LRH Employees have to say about their Work at LRH:

video courtesy Littleton Regional Healthcare

GoLittleton's Honored Volunteer Heroes:

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Quote to note:
All the world's a stage, but most of us are stagehands.
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